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Heart Health tips

What Causes Heart Failure

What Causes Heart Failure?
Heart failure usually occurs in people older than 65. However, even if you’re younger than that, if you’ve had a heart attack, or if you have one or more of these condi...

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Stroke Warning Signs | Symptoms and Risks (2018)

Risk Factors for Stroke
Your first line of defense in preventing a stroke 2018 is to know where you stand. So before we get into the actual warning signs for a stroke, let’s review some of the risk factors. Controlling them is not a guarante...

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Obesity And You

Obesity has been shown over and over again to be extremely bad for your heath, yet with all the warning signs, people continue to add on pounds and fall into the danger zone of being Obese.

Here are just a few examples of what happens wh...

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8 Step Plan To Lowering Blood Pressure (2018)

Do you want to know how to lower your blood pressure? GREAT, because I have a very simple 8 Step Plan To Lowering Blood Pressure. Hypertension, or high blood pressure are some easily modified medical condition patients deny most frequently. ...

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Do Energy Drinks Raise Blood Pressure?

Do Energy Drinks Raise Blood Pressure?

This is one of those questions that many patients and readers of Dr. Chauncey Crandall often ask…do energy drinks raise blood pressure? Well, with the soaring popularity of energy drinks, there has be...

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Positive Attitudes Equals Happy Hearts

A new study showing people with positive outlooks have better cardiovascular health does not surprise renowned cardiologist Dr. Chauncey Crandall, who has found this to be true in his nearly three decades of practicing medicine.


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Fish Oil Lowers Triglycerides

I’ve been recommending fish oil supplements to help lower triglycerides to my patients for 20 years now, and I’ve seen the benefits with my own eyes.

Fish Oil Lowers Triglycerides

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids from polyunsatu...

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Preventing Heart Disease In 2018

With the start of 2018 if you’re not eating healthy and living healthy you’re setting yourself up for heart disease.  Preventing Heart Disease In 2018 should become YOUR priority to living a happier healthier longer life.


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Artificial Sweeteners Making People Fat

A recent study has tied Artificial sweeteners to an accumulation of fat within the body. Obesity is on the rise and the overabundance of artificial sweeteners could be the cause. For those who are obese or on the border of being obese, artifi...

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