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Egg Whites Lower Blood Pressure

Egg Whites

If you’re already eating egg whites to reduce the risk of heart disease, you’re probably lowering your blood pressure as well.

Researchers from Clemson University found that a peptide — a chemical compound containing two or more amino acids — found in egg whites reduces blood pressure about as much as a low dose of a blood pressure drug.

Working with lab rats, the researchers demonstrated that the substance, known scientifically as RVPSL, lowered blood pressure in laboratory rats as effectively as some anti-hypertensive medications without causing any adverse side effects.

Lead researcher Zhipeng Yu said the study built on others that have shown beneficial blood pressure effects from egg whites.

He also noted that the peptide retains its beneficial effect even after the egg whites are cooked, so egg whites have the potential of being used in addition to blood pressure medications.

Egg whites are high in protein and low in cholesterol and, if you’re like many Americans, you are probably already favoring them in place of whole eggs.

In fact, I find an omelet made from one egg yolk to every three egg whites to be a perfect way to start the day.

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