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a dog holding his ear

Having A Pet May Lower Heart Disease Risk

The nation’s largest cardiovascular health organization has a new message for Americans: Owning a dog may protect you from heart disease. The unusual message was contained in a scientific statement published on Thursday by the American Hea...

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Fish Oil supplement

Keep Taking Fish Oil

A study questioning the role of fish oil in preventing first heart attacks is making headlines – but a top cardiologist insists that no one should stop taking the supplement based on the new research. “We have a long track record durin...

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jogging outdoor in park

Study: People Are Not Meeting Exercise Guidelines

Most adults in the USA aren’t meeting the federal physical activity recommendations for both aerobic exercise and muscle-strengthening activity, according to government statistics out today. About 79% of adults don’t meet the physical ac...

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Mediterranean diet food

Mediterranean Diet: Proof It Works

The Food Pyramid has nothing on the Mediterranean diet, when it comes to clinical nutrition. A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine is only the latest evidence that the diet — heavy on olive oil, fish, nuts, fruit, veggi...

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Gut Bacteria

Can Gut Bacteria Predict Heart Disease?

A blood test that assesses levels of a compound produced in the stomach appears to be a strong indicator of whether there will be heart trouble down the road, researchers report. The higher the levels of the compound — called trimethylamin...

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Soda in Can

One Can of Soda Increases Diabetes Risk

Drinking just one 12-ounce sugar-sweetened soft drink a day can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by up to 22 percent, a European study contends. The finding is based on an analysis of data collected from more than 28,000 peopl...

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a supplement out of the bottle

Beware of New Cholesterol Drug

A recent study seems to show that a new cholesterol drug, pitavastatin, could be a godsend for people who can’t tolerate the side effects, such as severe muscle aches, brought on by other statin medications. But one of the nation’s top card...

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Adding Exercise to Any Diet Increases Effectiveness.

Dr. Chauncey Crandall sheds light on a new study that shows the best way to lose weight is to focus on changing your diet and exercise at the same time- as reported by Medical News Today. Previously, weight-loss experts have said you should ...

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